Special Financial Reporting for Immigration

Special Financial Reporting for Immigration

VHL specialised accounting team is experienced in assisting new business migrants in setting up their business and financials in Australia. We work diligently with professional business immigration specialists to prepare special financial reporting required by Australian immigration department.

We are also experienced in dealing with CRS issues for foreign tax residents. What is CRS? financial institutions collect and report financial account information on foreign tax residents to the The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is the single global standard for the collection, reporting and exchange of financial account information on foreign tax residents. Under the CRS, banks and other Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ATO exchange this information with participating foreign tax authorities of those foreign tax residents.

In return, the ATO receives financial account information on Australian residents from other countries' tax authorities. This helps ensure that Australian residents with financial accounts in other countries are complying with Australian tax law.

Our goal is to help new business migrates to fully understand the compliance and set up the proper plan to settle in Australia successfully and happily!








611 Camberwell Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124


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